

Plugin installed incorrectly. Rename plugin directory '~tag' to 'tag'.

Remote Serial Terminal


This is a short how-to for using a serial terminal (minicom) via a ssh connection for controlling connected hardware and logging measurement data.


minicom is a very simple to use serial terminal for the console.

The first run should be called with the parameter -s (setup).
Later you can call it without any parameter. It's main interaction is done with Ctrl+A Z. This opens the options menu.

Important Commands

  • Ctrl+a l: define log-file
  • Ctrl+a z: options menu
  • Ctrl+a x: exit


screen is a terminal based window manager. this is needed, to keep a remote 'minicom session' running, when the ssh-connection is closed

  • start ssh-session: ssh
  • run: screen
  • press enter to close splash screen
  • minicom (start minicom in window 0)
  • do whatever you want to do in minicom.
    to forward the Ctrl-a signal, which is catched by screen and very important for using minicom, use Ctrl+a a
  • before closing the ssh-session, the window must be detached with Ctrl-a d
  • you can close now the the ssh-session, and the minicom-session keeps running on the server.
  • when you want to resume your minicom-window, connect to your server via ssh, and run
  • screen -r (for resuming the window)

Important Commands

  • resume last window: screen -r
  • detach window: Ctrl+a d
  • switch between windows: Ctrl+a 0-9
  • close a window: ???
  • kill a window: Ctrl+a k

linux tools english shell

remote_serial_terminal.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/02/25 11:30 von karl