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WolkenThermometer User Manual



Alpha Version

Until now, it is not possible, to configure the WiFi settings via the Android app. The user has to configure it with a serial adapter cable (UART, 3.3V or 5V).


  1. Connect the serial dapter cable to the WolkenThermometers „Arduino Programming Port“ P4
    Important: do not connect Pin 4 (reset), because then the push button is disabled
    I'm using the FTDI UM230XB. You can also use another Arduino board (e.g. Arduino Nano), when you shorten the RST of that board to GND, and connect Rx with P4.3 and Tx of that board with P4.2.
  2. Connect a battery
  3. Open a serial terminal application on the computer
    I use cutecom on linux. For Windows I recommend hterm
  4. Terminal Settings:
    1. Baudrate: 9600 baud/s
    2. 8 data bits
    3. no parity bit
    4. 1 stop bit
    5. line break: LF only
  5. Check connection by pressing the reset button.
    You shoud see a message like this
    Project: WolkenThermometer V1.0 
  6. Then press and hold the reset button, until the counter is between 3 and 5. This is the way how you enter the configuration mode. The terminal shows now something like this
    Project: WolkenThermometer V1.0
    Built on Apr 17 2015
    Welcome to the configuration of the WolkenThermometer
      For Help, please visit
      Info: Line terminations are with LF (\n).
    This WolkenSensor has been configured already.
      ID = 3
    Reconfigure it? (yes/no):
  7. Follow the instructions of the configuration dialog. Here a full demo configuration:
    Project: WolkenThermometer V1.0
    Built on Apr 17 2015
    Welcome to the configuration of the WolkenThermometer
      For Help, please visit
      Info: Line terminations are with LF (\n).
    This WolkenSensor has been configured already.
      ID = 3
    Reconfigure it? (yes/no): yes
    Please Enter ID: 3
    Please Enter Secret-Key (10 characters): abcde12345
    Please Enter Public-Key (10 characters): a1b2c3d4e5
    Do you want to set SSID and WiFi-Password now (yes/no)?
    Please Enter WiFi-SSID (max. 30 characters): home-wifi
    Please Enter WiFi password (0...30 characters): asdfjkloe
    The configuration is finished. Please go on with the smart phone app
  8. Unplug the UART-cable
  9. Restart the firmware by pressing the reset button shortly
  10. After about 20s the first measurement data should be sent to the server
  11. Check this with this url:[1]=YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY&web
    where you have to replace the YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY with your key.
wolkenthermometer_user_manual.1429286567.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/04/17 18:02 von karl